Infection Prevention and Contro
People should expect to be treated in a clean environment, with a minimal risk of infection and it is about tackling the causes of errors in care that can come from bad working environments or the lack of training and support for staff. During this training session all participants will gain knowledge and understanding of how to prevent and control infections in the care home. There will be a practical hand washing exercise and the use of PPE.
Care Quality Health Training - Newton with Scales, Preston, Lancashire.
A Leading Provider in Health and Social Care Training & Management in the Northwest of England
- Our training is fully compliant to the Care Quality Commission's published standards in Health and Social Care -
Our Terms & Conditions - Copyright Care Quality Health Training 2018

To give all participants the knowledge and skills to be able to keep people safe in clean environments and by working in a safe and effective way.

The course content:

The course is divided into five modules and includes an assessment at the end:

Roles and responsibilities.
PPE and hand hygiene.
Causes and transmission of infections.
Cleaning, decontamination and waste management.


A certificate of attendance is awarded on completion of the course; this is subject to satisfaction of the instructor and at the end of the course assessments..

Course fee: £POA including a maximum of 12 staff members
Infection Prevention and Control
Course Title